A Common Place

Source: Merriam-Webster Dictionary

Main Entry: 1com·mon·place
Pronunciation: 'kä-m&n-"plAs
Function: noun
Etymology: translation of Latin locus communis widely applicable argument, translation of Greek koinos topos
Date: 1561
1 archaic : a striking passage entered in a commonplace book
2 a : an obvious or trite comment :TRUISM b : something commonly found

Main Entry: 1com·mon

Pronunciation: 'kä-m&n
Function: adjective
Etymology: Middle English commun, from Old French, from Latin communis — more at MEAN

Date: 13th century

1 a : of or relating to a community at large : PUBLIC <work for the common good> b : known to the community <common nuisances>
2 a : belonging to or shared by two or more individuals or things or by all members of a group <a common friend> <buried in a common grave> b : belonging equally to two or more mathematical entities <triangles with a common base> c : having two or more branches <common carotid artery>
3 a : occurring or appearing frequently : FAMILIAR <a common sight> b : of the best known kind c : VERNACULAR 2 <common names>
4 a : WIDESPREAD, GENERAL <common knowledge> b : characterized by a lack of privilege or special status <common people> c : just satisfying accustomed criteria : ELEMENTARY <common decency>
5 a : falling below ordinary standards : SECOND-RATE b : lacking refinement : COARSE
6 : denoting nominal relations by a single linguistic form that in a more highly inflected language might be denoted by two or more different forms <common gender> <common case>
7 : of, relating to, or being common stock
com·mon·ly adverb
com·mon·ness /-m&n-n&s/ noun
synonyms COMMON, ORDINARY, >PLAIN, >FAMILIAR, POPULAR, VULGAR mean generally met with and not in any way special, strange, or unusual. COMMON implies usual everyday quality or frequency of occurrence <a common error> <lacked common honesty> and may additionally suggest inferiority or coarseness <common manners>. ORDINARY stresses conformance in quality or kind with the regular order of things <an ordinary pleasant summer day> <a very ordinary sort of man>. PLAIN is likely to suggest homely simplicity <plain hard-working people>. FAMILIAR stresses the fact of being generally known and easily recognized <a familiar melody>. POPULAR applies to what is accepted by or prevalent among people in general sometimes in contrast to upper classes or special groups <a writer of popular romances>. VULGAR, otherwise similar to POPULAR, is likely to carry derogatory connotations (as of inferiority or coarseness) <souvenirs designed to appeal to the vulgar taste>.

Main Entry: 1placePronunciation: 'plAsFunction: noun

Etymology: Middle English, from Old French, open space, from Latin platea broad street, from Greek plateia (hodos), from feminine of platys broad, flat; akin to Sanskrit prthu broad, Latin planta sole of the foot

Date: 13th century

1 a : physical environment : SPACE b : a way for admission or transit c : physical surroundings : ATMOSPHERE
2 a : an indefinite region or expanse <all over the place> b : a building or locality used for a special purpose <a place of learning> <a fine eating place> c archaic : the three-dimensional compass of a material object
3 a : a particular region, center of population, or location <a nice place to visit> b : a building, part of a building, or area occupied as a home <our summer place>
4 : a particular part of a surface or body : SPOT
5 : relative position in a scale or series: as a : position in a social scale <kept them in their place> b : a step in a sequence <in the first place, it’s none of your business> c : a position at the conclusion of a competition <finished in last place>
6 a : a proper or designated niche <the place of education in society> b : an appropriate moment or point <this is not the place to discuss compensation — Robert Moses>
7 a : an available seat or accommodation <needs a place to stay> b : an empty or vacated position <new ones will take their place>
8 : the position of a figure in relation to others of a row or series; especially : the position of a digit within a numeral
9 a : remunerative employment : JOB b : prestige accorded to one of high rank : >STATUS <an endless quest for preferment and placeTime>
10 : a public square : PLAZA
11 : a small street or court
12 : second place at the finish (as of a horse race)
in place 1 : in an original or proper position 2 : in the same spot without forward or backward movement <run in place>